Post a Photo & Save!
$50 OFF
Clients that help us spread the word by posting a photo of the inspection online can take advantage of our photo referral discount!
A $50 discount is available if you post a photo of us doing what we do to our Google, Yelp, or Facebook business pages (either or all) during your home inspection (ie. this discount will reduce the base fee by $50, and can apply to any-sized residential home).
Either post a photo of yourself with the inspector, or a photo of the inspector while they’re inspecting the home.
*One use per house/household/inspection; May not be combined with any other discounts, sales, coupons, or special offers. User agrees to show the online post to the inspector for verification. Offer valid for services in standard service area only—see map for complete area. Contact us for more information or to book your inspection.