Contact us for a fast reply
250-899-6675 (call or text)
Please provide some information about your inspection needs and we’ll be happy to get in touch with you ASAP.
If you know the property’s details, request a home inspection quote and you’ll receive a fast reply, guaranteed.
Licensed Member #82714 —Consumer Protection BC
National Certificate Holder (NCH) — CAHPI
Our Goals
Deliver a premium experience to every client.
Provide professional and unbiased inspections and deliver thorough and detailed reports.
Serve our amazing community and build relationships for life.
Stay humble, focused, truthful, and dedicated.
Always exceed our client’s expectations.
Make ourselves available via consultation long after the report is delivered.
We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.
Before booking your inspection, we recommend you review the Standard Contract and Standards of Practice. Together, these documents describe the home inspection process and will give you a clear understanding of what to expect. Call us at 250-899-6675 if you have questions regarding these documents or our inspection and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.