Same Day Guarantee

Avoid delays!

Reports guaranteed to be delivered within 24 hours of the end of the inspection. Our goal is to serve our clients with integrity and exceed expectations, every time. We value our clients’ time and recognize that delayed inspection reports can disappoint buyers and sellers and ruin deals. Our training, experience and professionalism allows us to consistently deliver our clients’ reports within 24 hours—and most often within just a couple of hours—of the end of the home inspection.

We promise we won’t make you wait for your report! Though some inspectors take 2-3 or more days to provide their clients with a report, we always deliver our reports the same day the inspection is conducted.

If, for any reason we’re unable to deliver your report to you within 24 hours, we will refund you $200.

same day home inspection report guarantee

“Same Day 24-Hour Guarantee” is defined as delivering the residential home inspection report within 24 hours of the time the inspection was concluded. If an inspection report can’t be delivered within 24 hours of the conclusion of the home inspection, Daylight Inspections Ltd. will refund $200 from the home inspection fee. Limitations apply. ‘Same day’ is defined as delivering the home inspection report within 24 hours (one day) from time the inspection concluded. Inspection reports are not released until full payment is received. If client hasn’t paid before the end of the inspection, the same day guarantee applies to the 24-hour period following full payment being received. In the rare case that our third party reporting software is offline or down for maintenance, or if technical limitations occur that prevent the inspector from publishing or delivering the report, the inspector will provide the client with proof of technical limitations in writing. Inspections that are scheduled with coupons or promotional codes, professional courtesy discounts, referral discounts or a reduced rate of any kind are not subject to the Same Day 24-Hour Guarantee refund policy. Some inspections have a roof and/or chimney evaluations that are partially conducted at the inspector’s office or home, involving the review and evaluation of images taken by a drone. Review and evaluation of drone photographs is considered part of the inspection and the time it takes to complete the roof and/or chimney evaluation is considered part of the inspection time period. This time is factored into the cut-off time for the Same Day 24-Hour Guarantee period. Multi-unit properties that are 3 or more separate units/dwellings (ie. bigger than a duplex) do not qualify for this guarantee.